Monday, June 23, 2008

Macedonian Sarma

  1. Cut the Onion into small pieces and fry it on oil.
  2. Add the ground meat, red pepper, pepper, salt, spices the rice also .
  3. Then use the mixture to stuff the pickled cabbage leaves.
  4. Line them up in a pot, but first line up pickled cabbage leaves at the bottom of the pot.
  5. Put the steamed meat in between the stuffed cabbage leaves.
  6. Then, spill over some hot water and boil it on a silent fire, and them put them in the oven to bake.
  7. By the end of the baking, you can add come oil and red pepper (which have been fried before).
  8. Cover the pieces with pickled cabbage leaves.
  9. The whole has to be dry, not very moist.

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