Friday, April 4, 2008

Roast Elk, apples filled with rowanjelly, chanterelle sauce and Hasselback potatoes

Serves 4.


600g/1lb 6oz boneless elk (moose)
1 tbsp crushed juniper berries
1 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper
600g/1lb 6oz large potatoes
50g/2oz butter
1 tbsp natural breadcrumbs
salt and pepper
2 apples
60g/2 ¼ oz rowan jelly
3dl/ ½ pint meat juice/bouillon
3dl/ ½ pint whipping cream
20g/scant 1oz butter
500g/1lb 2oz chanterelles
2 shallots


Rub the meat with the crushed juniper berries, salt and black pepper. Insert a meat thermometer and roast in a 175° C/350° F oven until the centre of the meat has reached 60°C/140°F. Take out the meat and let it rest for a while.

Peel the potatoes. Slice thinly without cutting right through. They should stick together in the bottom. (Tip! Put the potato in wooden spoon when slicing) Sprinkle with the breadcrumbs and dot the butter over the potatoes. Cook in a 225°C/435°F for approx. 40 minutes.

Fry the chanterelles in some butter together with the chopped shallots. Sprinkle the flour over the mixture, pour over the cream and the meat juice/bouillon. Boil and simmer for a couple of minutes. Season with salt and pepper.

Quarter the apples and remove pips and stalks. Sautée the apples in some butter and put dots of rowan jelly over them.

Slice the roast and serve.

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