Sunday, April 20, 2008

Besh Barmak (Kyrgyz National Dish)


1 medium sheep or 3 kilograms of mutton or beef
1 kilogram onions
4 cups of flour
1 egg


Put the meat in a large pot along with onions and boil for two hours. While the meat is cooking prepare the noodles (store bought noodles can be substituted). Make a pile with the flour. Beat the egg and add it to the flour, then mix in warm salt water (1-2 teaspoon salt) until it holds together but is not so sticky. Knead well and then let stand for 10 minutes. When meat is done it is removed from the water and the noodles are then boiled in the same water to give the noodles a meaty flavor - noodles only need to cook for 5 minutes or less.

Besh Barmak is usually the dish that is made for special celebrations such as weddings, special visitors, or a housewarming. Besh Barmak is usually the final dish of a three-course meal. Guests will wash their hands before the Besh Barmak is served. The meat is brought out first. The guests eat some of the meat and the host and a few guests chop most of the meat into small pieces. The noodles are then brought in and mixed with the meat and some of the broth is added as well to make a thick stew of meat and noodles. The guests then eat this mixture out of a large bowl using their fingers as utensils - hence the name Besh Barmak - or "five fingers."

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